Monday, June 13, 2011

One more week to go!

Tommie's due a week from today.  Of course that could mean a day or so in either direction.  She's getting very saggy as you can see in the pictures.  Her topline now sags along with everything else! 

The whelping box is in the back bedroom with a comfy bed in it.  She seems pretty happy with it.  At first she couldn't figure out why "her" bed (the day bed/guest bed) was piled with stuff on it - to keep her off of it of course and to get her to like her whelping box.  It worked! 

Last night while we were watching TV in the livingroom she decided to put herself to bed.  After a few minutes I noticed that Hayden wasn't in the room with us anymore.  I got up to see where he was and low and behold he was laying near Tommie, just outside the whelping box.  What a good granddad!!  :o)

1 comment:

  1. WOOHOO!! Won't be long now! Papa Sagan has the bully sticks ready to pass out to friends! (What - you didn't think he'd be handing out cigars, did you??)
