Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!!

Pepper got into the Halloween spirit today by munching on a foot!  ;o)

Puppy playtime at the show

Friday was the Dalmatian Club of Northern California's specialty show (all Dalmatians).  Hacker is too young to enter in the regular classes but he went along anyway since we were there all weekend.  Sister Stella was there along with their cousin, Adele.  Hacker and Stella's great-grandma, Haley, was a littermate/sister to Adele's great-grandma, Gwen.  So it was an extended family reunion and BOY did they have fun!  Adele's three weeks younger than Hacker and Stella and just a little peaunut of a girl right now but boy could she keep up!  :o)

Left - Hacker.  Top - Stella.  Bottom - Adele

left - Hacker.  middle - Stella.  right - Adele

left - Hacker.  middle - Stella.  right - Adele

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Old puppies

I always Love getting updates from folks who have made my grandpuppies a beloved part of their family.  This is May, grandpa Hayden's sister.  She now lives in Arizona with her mom and dad. 

 Bill and Rhonda took a trip to Sedona and found a really nice pet-friendly place to stay: it looks lovely!  And even nicer that they allow pets. 

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Puppy updates

Stella's visiting this weekend while her mom and dad are away.  Three 4-month old puppies make for quite a circus!  Just one big happy family.  Stella and Rocky will both go home tomorrow afternoon.  It'll sure be quiet around here with just Hacker, mama Tommie and granddad Hayden.

Hacker - Stella - Rocky

Teller likes to help his dad read a book on quiet weekends

Stella watches TV with her mom in the evenings.  She prefers Animal Planet

Monday, October 10, 2011

News from Dad

This weekend in Tennessee papa Sagan earned his Novice Fast title or "NF" adding to his NA (Novice Agility) and NAJ (Novice Agility Jumpers) titles.  They all have slightly varied requirements for each title.  Sagan is now working on his Open agility titles.  Here's a picture of the handsome brownie boy and the ribbons he won this weekend.
He's now more formally known as
CH Rockstar Phoenix Written In The Stars, NA, NAJ, NF
Congrats to Holly and Sagan!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011


Rocky's here for a visit while his mom is vacationing in Ireland. You think one 3-1/2 month old puppy has as lot of energy?  Try two!  Whew!  They wear me out!  :o)  it's a lot of fun to watch them play - and play - and play.... then a time comes when I have to call a "time out" and separate them.  They're like toddlers who don't want to admit that they really need a nap.  ;o)

 Hacker has the much-coveted stick....

 Now mom gets in on the fun and swipes the stick!