Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Another update pic

This is Teller, he lives in Tennessee with papa Sagan.  Handsome boy!

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Happy 6 month birthday! 12/19/11

Where in the world has the last 6 months gone?  Wow.  Seems like only yesterday they were born and now here they are nearly full grown.  Here's a pic from day one, followed by some more recent ones of some of the kids.  Hopefully I'll get some updates for Christmas <G>



Where's Waldo? 
Hacker, Honor and Tommie, and believe it or not I'm in there too, you can see my foot down near Tommie's head.  That's Hacker's head, front and center, and Honor is on the left between me and the back of the couch - It was very cozy!


Uncle Creed on the left and Teller on the right.
Creed is actually all of the puppy's uncle as he is the brother of their Grandma Stevie,
GCH Snowhill Fireflies At Rockstar, CD
Teller and Creed are best buds

Love this picture of Ron and Harley on Thanksgiving Day.  I've got to rescan the picture, not sure why it turned out so small.  Cracks me up!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Save the tree!

With two almost-six-month-old puppies in the house it was necessary to protect the poor Christmas tree from them - hence the ex-pen <G>

Sure, they may look like angels but they've already trimmed some of the branches that were sticking out through the bars and before the ex-pen went up Hacker pulled a ball off, luckily I caught him before he had time to crunch!  That wouldn't have been good. 

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Who needs toys?

...when you have the cardboard tubes from gift wrap, paper towels or toilet paper?  Or even a plain cardboard box.

The puppies went to work with me on Thursday.  I keep a couple of crates in the warehouse for days when I need any of them to come with me.  It's a definite perk that's worth more than $$.  At break time I had to wrap a couple of Christmas gifts; I used the last of the roll so I gave it to them and they went to town!  I grabbed my Blackberry and taped them but for some reason this Blogger site won't let me upload it - and neither will YouTube.  :o(  when they started on a cardboard box I took a couple of still pics too..... and that's when they had to go back in their crates and I had to clean up my office.  Sillies.

TommieMommy is healing well from her surgery last week.  By the second day she thought she was ready to rock-n-roll so I've had to enforce some quietness with her.  Stitches will come out next week.