Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Honor's new titles!! WoooHoo!!

I should have posted this a week and a half ago but I've been working very long days/weeks getting my office moved to a new building.  300 people and all that that entails is a big job.

So the Big News is that Honor finished her Grand Championship title at the San Joaquin Kennel Club show in Stockton over the Thanksgiving weekend!  Not only that but she also earned her Rally Novice title that same weekend!  She and Laurie just continue to amaze me.  There's nothing they can't accomplish together, I'm just so proud of them both. 

Laurie hasn't gotten Honie's win picture back from the show photographer for her GCH but I was there the day they finished their RN - here's some pics.  Honor is now more formally known as
GCH Montague's Promises Kept, RN, CGC.

In Rally you follow directions on signs that the judge puts out in a pattern.  Things such as 270 degree turn to the left, Halt, sit your dog, walk around your dog and continue heeling, Fast pace, slow pace, right turn, left turn, etc., until you make it through the course at the end.  It's a timed event but the time is only used to break a tie.  The judge watches the team and scores them on how well they perform each excercise. 

Getting ready to go in the ring.

In this exercise, Honie had to lay down on Laurie's command, then stay in
place while Laurie walked around her and back into heel position.

                                                  I love her happy working attitude!

Congrats on a new RN title!! 

1 comment:

  1. Whooo Hooo is right!! Congratulations on the titles. Love the rally pics--she does look like a happy girl.
