Okay, so here are some fun videos of Hacker, Honor and their "step mom" Miley during the Coursing Ability Test or "CAT" back at the end of December:
Hacker: Hacker's CAT 12/30/12
Honor: Honor's CAT 12/30/12
Miley: Miley's CAT 12/30/12
Since then they all three finished their "CA", or Coursing Ability, titles and Honie now has NINE legs towards her "CAA", or Coursing Ability Advanced, title. She needs ten qualifying runs, or "legs", for that title. Good girl! She'll be running in some tests next month. If you're interested contact me! It's really about instinct, not a lot of training is involved although having a reasonable recall command is definitely a plus. Usually after running 600 yards (that's what you just saw, 600 yard runs) they're willing to stop <G>. The dogs LOVE it!
The pictures I posted at the beginning of January (below) are from these runs.