Thursday, June 30, 2011

The cutest faces Ever! :o)

It's surprising how fast they can move when you don't want them to <G>.  Spots are really starting to show on their skin and some little black hairs coming through.  It's like magic - suddenly there are spots! 

 My little patched bookends.  :o)

Tuesday, June 28, 2011


Eyes are sooo close to opening and they're starting to get little white eyelashes.  Also, their spots are starting to come in, you can see black hair when you ruffle their hair back to the skin.  Everybody weighs at least a pound now.......some Well over a pound... ;o)  Love these guys!  They've got the smoochiest tummys <G>

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Happy one week birthday, babies!

Everybody's doing well.  I can just sit and watch them for hours - and the lack of house work shows it!  :o)  This week has gone by fast.  Tommie's enjoying some "adult conversation" occasionally now and will come to sit on the couch with us in the evenings for a bit.  Always within earshot of the kids and she's off the couch and in the spare room in a heartbeat if anyone so much as makes a peep.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Everyone's thriving

Everyone's gaining weight and squirming their way around the whelping box pretty good.  Tommie still tries to dig in the bed and push it completely out of the box when she gets too warm - or bored. Luckily our hot spell is over for now so everybody's much more comfortable.  Those couple days in the high 90's were hard on puppies and mama both. 

Proud mama.

Everybody's snoozin'

Umbilical cords are gone, just a tiny little scab. 
Don't ya just wanna kiss that belly?  :o)

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

then there were only nine

This morning when I got up, "rainbow" boy, identified by the color of his rick rack, wasn't doing well.  He was away from his siblings and cooler to the touch than he should be.  I tucked him in my shirt to warm him up.  After a bit I tried to put him on his mom to suckle but he didn't have the strength so I warmed up a little water with just a bit of molasses in it for the sugar and gave him several drops of that.  I weighed everybody else before our vet appointment; everyone was at least back up to their birth weight.  They usually lose a little weight the day after their birth, but add it back on within a day or so, so they're right on track.  I didn't weigh rainbow, since he was colder than I would like I didn't want to expose him to anything even cool, like the plastic scale.

I had already decided that he wouldn't have his dew claws done while the others did this morning, he didn't need any extra stress.  When we got to the vet Dr. Kriegal looked at him first.  He listened to his breathing and his heart, etc. We got him on a heating pad and gave him a little warmed Esbilac (puppy milk replacer).  I stayed with him with my hand on him under the blanket he was wrapped in while the others got their dew claws removed.  He warmed up and seemed content but he died a short time later.  It doesn't make it any easier losing them at three days old.  I loved him from the moment he was conceived and I grieve for his little self now.  Many thanks to the awesome, caring staff at Campbell Animal Hospital.  I've been taking my dogs there for over twenty years.

The others are doing well, a bit fussy which is to be expected after the proceedure.  Tommie was stressed and couldn't seem to settle when we got back, but she's getting a little better now.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Puppy update!

Everyone's doing well. Tommie's such a good mommy.  First pup was born at 3:05 a.m., last one at 7:38 a.m. yesterday, 6/19, the day after what would have been the puppies great-grandma Haley's 16th birthday. 
Here are a few pics:

Looking pretty pleased with herself!  :o)

Sunday, June 19, 2011

We have puppies!!!

First one born 3:05 a.m., last one born 7:38 a.m. Six boys, four girls.  Two of the boys are patched, all are doing really well.  Pics later, I've been up for about 28 hours.  ;o)

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Pics from today

She seems to be growing bigger by the hour now.  Here's a shot from today. 
And one on the chair :o)

Poor mama, it's hard to be Tommie right now.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Belly growth

I measured Tommie's belly tonight, she's up to 30-1/2"!  She started at 19-1/2" pre-pregnancy.  She's gained 10 pounds so far.  As of last night I was able to feel the puppies move and hear some heartbeats with my stethescope.  I'm working on having a puppycam set up by this weekend, it got more involved that I thought it was going to be but we should have it ready soon.  I'll post the link when it's up.

Monday, June 13, 2011

One more week to go!

Tommie's due a week from today.  Of course that could mean a day or so in either direction.  She's getting very saggy as you can see in the pictures.  Her topline now sags along with everything else! 

The whelping box is in the back bedroom with a comfy bed in it.  She seems pretty happy with it.  At first she couldn't figure out why "her" bed (the day bed/guest bed) was piled with stuff on it - to keep her off of it of course and to get her to like her whelping box.  It worked! 

Last night while we were watching TV in the livingroom she decided to put herself to bed.  After a few minutes I noticed that Hayden wasn't in the room with us anymore.  I got up to see where he was and low and behold he was laying near Tommie, just outside the whelping box.  What a good granddad!!  :o)

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Daddy Sagan is not only very handsome but smart too!  Following in my long-time motto of "Beauty And Brains" we're expecting beautiful and Very Smart puppies from this litter.  This YouTube video is Sagan and Holly during a training session a couple days ago.  Earlier this year Sagan earned his Novice Agility ("NA") and Novice Agility Jumpers ("NAJ") titles.  He's now working on his Open Agility titles then on from there, aiming for a "MACH", Master Agility Champion title, along with obedience titles.  Go SmallBrown!!!  ;o)

Monday, June 6, 2011

Two more weeks to go!

Here's Tommie's latest tummy view.  She's getting more saggy in the middle :o).  This weekend Dave got the whelping box down from the rafters for me.  I scrubbed it down and put it in the spare bedroom with a quilt in it to encourage her to check it out.  Of course she was not impressed.  She thinks princesses should give birth on a proper bed - like the daybed she always sleeps on.....  ;o)