Thursday, April 21, 2011

And.......she's "done"

Yes, she thinks she's a princess....because the couch alone wasn't cooshy enough.  This was up at my mom's house last month.

As much as I anticipated her coming into season I am Sooooooo glad she is now snarking at Hayden when he tries to flirt with her (he's still hopeful).  She says "Nuthin' doin' buddy!  Leave me aLone!"  Yay!  Life can start to get back to normal in a couple days. I'll give her a bath this weekend to wash off all the "come hither" smells that are on her.  The waiting continues.....

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Today Tommie was bred for the second time.  First one Tuesday, using the TCI method (Trans Cervical Insemination) and today doing straight vaginal insemination.  The vets at both ends looked at the semen and both thought it looked great. 

If all goes well puppies will be due about June 20th.  She'll have an ultra sound mid-May to tell for sure and to get an estimate of how many.  For now we just wait (not so patiently....)

Monday, April 18, 2011

We have lift off!

Sagan's contribution to the effort is in the air!  I've been watching the FedEx website and the last place listed was Indianapolis, IN.  Should get to San Ramon by 10:30 a.m. my time.  So tomorrow's the big day!  We'll also get the results from the progesterone test we ran today.  That will be the deciding factor for doing another AI on Wednesday or Thursday. 

Saturday, April 16, 2011

And still we wait....

Yesterday's results were 0.4 - so she's come up a *tiny* bit but not much, and not nearly where we need her to be.  Took her in for another blood draw, results tomorrow.

Pretty quiet around here, Hayden's not completely losing his mind although he'll show interest if she's around.  Right now it's kind of "out of sight, out of mind".  He's snoozing under the computer desk right now and she's snoozing on the daybed in the spare bedroom.  Fingers crossed for tomorrow!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Still waiting!

Well it's now "day 11" and we're still waiting for Tommie's progesterone level to rise.  It's been at 0.2 since the very first test a week ago Monday!  C'mon TommieLou!  Let's get this show on the road.  All this waiting makes me crazy, and we still have to have Sagan collected and the semen shipped overnight, adding to the time.

Here's a side view of the very handsome brown boy, Sagan.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Tommie's #1!!

Tommie, Montague Driftwood One Hot Tamale, CD, RE, TT, CGC earned the #1 obedience Top Spot for 2010 according to the Dalmatian Club of America!  Following in her dad, Hayden's, pawprints this is a great way to start her obedience career!
Tommie will be bred to Sagan, CH Rockstar Phoenix Written In The Stars, NA.  Owned and loved by Holly Waldrop.

Tommie's finally in season!

Sheesh, I think she must be channeling her late grandma Haley who was a month late the one and only time I had planned to breed her.  This was 11 years ago (I don't breed often and only to produce my next performance dog) Let's just hope she doesn't continue in her grandma's pawprints and wait until day 21 to be ready!  She came in season last Saturday and I started progesterone testing on Wednesday, it was at 0.2 - a good baseline.  I'm waiting for yesterday's results and we'll go in tomorrow for the next one.  Thank goodness for a Repro vet who is connected with a vet clinic that's open 7 days a week!